What Is a Baby Sprinkle? (2024)

When you were pregnant with your first child, a loved one may have thrown you a baby shower to celebrate your bundle on the way. If you're expecting again, you'll undoubtedly be just as excited for your second (or third, or fourth ...) arrival— but you may be looking for a more low-key gathering. Enter: the baby sprinkle.

A baby sprinkle is a great way to celebrate your family's upcoming addition without all the hustle and bustle that comes with a traditional baby shower.Here's everything expectant parents and their hosts need to know about these events.

What is a baby sprinkle?

The name says it all: Instead of a bigger party where first-time parents are showered with gifts, a baby sprinkle is a more casual, relaxed gathering where the guests of honor are "sprinkled" with support and potentially smaller gifts.

The concept of baby sprinkles is relatively new, so the host may need to clarify what the event entails on the invitation. Baby sprinkle showers are quickly growing in popularity, though, with more seasoned parents participating in the fun trend.

Although there are no official rules about what should happen at a baby shower versus a sprinkle, the two events might look something like this:

  • A baby shower is often more formal, features a variety of games and decorations, and has a bigger guest list. Because first-time parents need so much new gear, a traditional shower usually includes a fullbaby registry.
  • A baby sprinkleis usually more casual than a traditional shower and focuses on surrounding the seasoned parents with warmth and love. Since the guests of honor likely already own mostbig-ticket items, the registry might include smaller essentials such as diapers, wipes and onesies.

How to throw a baby sprinkle shower

Think about the timing

Many expectant parents prefer to have baby showers or sprinkles in the second or early- to mid-third trimester, since that leaves plenty of time to create ababy registry but isn't too close to the due date. Ultimately, though, it's up to the host and expectant parents to decide on timing.

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Don't forget to give guests plenty of time to plan for the sprinkle, too. A good rule of thumb is to send invitations at least four weeks in advance.

Plan the guest list

Sprinkle showers are often more about support and advice than big gifts, and these events tend to have a more casual, intimate tone. For that reason, many parents like to keep their sprinkle guest list on the smaller side, inviting close friends and family. If you'd like to make your baby sprinkle a coed event, that's an increasingly popular (and fun!) choice too.

Send the invitations

When it comes to baby sprinkle invites, don't worry too much about formality. If the host wants to mail traditional invitations, that’s totally fine, but know that a email invite works well, too.Baby sprinkle etiquetteusually recommends that you not include registry information on the invite, but have it handy for those who ask (no doubt a few will!).

Choose a theme

Since baby sprinkles are usually informal, the host doesn't need to go all-out with elaborate decorations, fancy invites and gift bags. While it's not necessary to choose a specific theme, many parents and hosts find that it does help make decorating easy.

A popular idea is to capitalize on "sprinkles" and have a sundae orcupcake bar with all different colors and types of — you guessed it! — sprinkles. You can print "Sprinkle a lot of love!" on colorful invitations.

Select decorations

Because a baby sprinkle shower is usually more casual, you don't need lots of elaborate decorations (unless you want them!). Many hosts opt for simple decor, such as a few flowers, balloons and sweet photos.

And if the baby sprinkle is a virtual event, consider sending guests afun Zoom background to make it feel extra-special.

Plan the baby sprinkle menu

For this simpler party, you might keep the menu light, with bite-size hors d'oeuvres, snacks, sweets and punch. Think: pregnancy-safe cheese with crackers, a yogurt bar with fruit and candies, veggies and dips, nuts and olives, or brownies and cake.

Not only will this make party prep relatively effortless, it will give guests an opportunity to mix and mingle while they load their plates.

Consider activities and games

While traditionalbaby shower gamesstill work at a sprinkle, you can plan on simpler activities, too, like making aDIY shower gift as a group. Put the emphasis on those nearest and dearest to the parent-to-be. A few ideas to add a personal touch to the party:

  • Ask guests to write their best advice for the sibling on slips of paper, which can be turned into a keepsake book. This is also a great way to make the big brother or sister feel included.
  • Make a no-sew quilt with outgrown clothing or blankets belonging to the older siblings or cousins.
  • Decorate a plain baby book, and ask guests to write a note to the baby inside.
  • Use fabric markers, stamp pads and stencils to create personalized onesies.
  • Make adorable homemade headbands for your little one using lace and ribbons.
  • Distributeprintable games listing celebrity parents and the names of their babies for guests to match up.
  • Print letters of the alphabet on sheets of paper and have guests decorate them for your little one (for example, "K is for Kitty"; "C is for Caterpillar"). Be sure to remind them to sign their names on the back so it doubles as a guest book!
  • Ask guests to write a funny saying or message on the front waistband of a diaper. Then, stash the diapers away in a cute bin to be reserved only for middle-of-the-night changes. That way, you'll have a little comic relief and positivity during those wee-hour-changes.

Involve older siblings

A new baby is exciting, but it can also be anxiety-provoking for older kids. You can helpease the transition by involving them in this event, such as by assigning them a special job during the planning process or giving them a small gift "from" their new sibling.

And if you’re planning asip-and-see partyafter baby is born, invite the older sibling to help introduce the new baby to everyone.

What to put on your baby sprinkle registry

Although you may not think ababy registryis necessary this time around, it can still be helpful for guests, since a registry takes the guesswork out of buying gifts.

Unlike a traditional baby shower, seasoned parents likely have most baby essentials, and many second- or third-time parents opt to add smaller gifts to their baby sprinkle registries.

However, other families may need to register for bigger items (for example, if there's abig age gap between siblings and the parents need to stock up on newborn gear all over again).

A few ideas to consider adding to your baby sprinkle registry, depending on your situation:

  • Diapering products:Request basics that you'll need right away and will go through quickly, such asdiapers,diaper creamandwipes. Making adiaper cake or hosting a diaper raffle can make this gifting staple seem more fun.
  • Baby clothes:They might be especially useful if the new baby is a different sex than the older child or due at a different time of year. Even if you have plenty of hand-me-downs, consider registering for clothes in sizes 12 months and larger: While they may not be in use for a while, that's the age when clothes start to get more wear and tear, and previously worn styles may be less useful.
  • Products for multiple children:For example, if the older child still likes riding in her stroller, you may need to upgrade to adouble orconvertible stroller, or invest in accessories like a second seat or toddler stroller board to extend the life of your current model.
  • Refreshed gear:This might includecar seats (they expire, and you shouldn't reuse even a relatively new one if it has been in a crash, is missing parts or has been recalled),cribs (especially if the older sibling is still using the one you have), or small breast pump and bottle parts that might no longer be in the best condition.
  • Support for parents:Thinkfood delivery gift cards for those nights when cooking feels impossible.

From the What to Expect editorial team andHeidi Murkoff,author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading ourmedical review and editorial policy.

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What Is a Baby Sprinkle? (2024)
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